Town Pomorie

The town was founded in IV B.C. near the salty lake called by the ancient Thracian "sacred" because of its curative abilities.
The climate is extremely favourable: continuing sunshine which reaches up to 2360 hours annually. The average temperature of the air and the water in July is 23,6oС. Consequent, following each other winds (breeze) from the sea to the shore and from the shore to the sea rhythmically refresh the air.
The Pomorie Bay is preferred for yachting and sailing, the pier - from amateur fishermen. Together with the traditional means of livelihood of the local population (wine-growing, wine-producing, production of salt and fishing), the tourism and its accompanying activities define Pomorie as attractive balneological and sea resort.
Quick facts about Town Pomorie
In Bulgarian (Native transliteraion): Град ПомориеRegion: South-Eastern planing region of Bulgaria
District: Bourgas district
Municipality: Pomorie municipality
Latitude: 42.5557365
Longtitude: 27.6448631
Distance by air to the capital city Sofia: 354.353km
Area Size: 49.879km2
Population: 13611 people (31.12.2013)
Postal Code: 8200
Phone Code: 0596
Sights & Landmarks Town Pomorie (5) »
Pomorie: Thracian necropolis / mausoleum
Pomorie: St. Georgi Monastery
Pomorie: Pomorie Municipal museum and Gallery
Pomorie: Salt museum
Photos Town Pomorie (38) »
News Town Pomorie (19) »
2014-02-26 Modern fishing port will be built in Pomorie (Business)
2009-08-20 2nd edition of Magic of the Pomorie Lake festival (Society)
2009-08-17 The antique beehive tomb in the town of Pomorie (Culture)
2009-08-11 Pomorie salt lake (Travel)
2009-07-29 Wine festival `Sea of wine` in Pomorie (Lifestyle)
2009-05-18 Volunteers cleaned region near lake of Pomorie (Society)
2009-05-16 Referendum for the pipeline Burgas-Alexandrupolis held in Pomorie (Other)
2009-01-21 Town of Pomorie - 25 centuries-old history (Culture)
2009-01-16 Country to be divided into 8 tourist regions was proposed at seminar in Pomorie (Travel)
2008-11-10 Imprisoned drug boss Appears as VIP Guest at Atrium Disco in Pomorie (Accidents)
External links Town Pomorie (Pomorie) (Pomorie) (Pomorie) (Pomorie)